We curate more than 1000 job's per week in real time for around 10 categories from few of the best sources on the internet.

Remote Job Page

Portrait of the maker

Chandra Prakash



Creativity is one thing but marketing is different thing.

Expert level
hours to build

Building a job board with Webflow

What is it:

We curate more than 1000 job's per week in real time for around 10 categories from few of the best sources on the internet.

Maker Insight:

Creativity is one thing but marketing is different thing.

What did I learn:

1. Value capture - At the top of the landing page is a form to submit an email for receiving remote jobs. It is very clear value capture, easy to see, top of page and shows what value that this page and provide the user.

Believe it or not, more apps that I review than not don't have clear value creation and value capture clearly stated on the website. This is surprising until you go to create your own. The problem is that you have so many ideas in your head, it's hard to land on one thing. And as Makers we convince ourselves that the only way someone is going to find my app helpful and become a converted users is if it has all these features. Instead of just focusing on what is the core value prop of my app. And what is the equal exchange of value I need in return to keep providing this value. Easier said then done.

Chandra does a great job of displaying this immediately on the page.

I would recommend that the top of the page could improve by showing a section for the hero and subtitle. For instance as a user, I don't know what market or job niche are these type of remote jobs are we talking about? My assumption is that they are all technology positions. I think that there is an opportunity to make it easier for the user to know this information and display a hero image and subtitle of who this information is for.

2. Text box display with import of data through Webflow CMS Job description - This is a really underrated aspect of the UI, but when you view the job description, the text is spaced correctly and formatted in an easy to read layout. This is hard to do and a huge benefit of using a tool like Webflow. When you are building you may take these types of things for granted but these types of little things are so important and helpful because it is respectful of the user to make it readable and digestable.

Chandra shared with me a few more details about this process, "formatting is part of the import process from other credible job boards. I just import them as they are in airtable and then from airtable to webflow. Fonts, there size and spacing are in my hands, so I would say these are decided by me. Rest everything is imported just as they are."

These types of micro insights add up when you are building something. They are often overlooked and can be real obstacles if you invest in creating something only to find out that a small formatting style does not carry over into the final product. If Webflow did not handle this formatting properly then you would not be able to have a readable job description.

3. Help box - Hotjar pop up box appeared and displayed automatically on the bottom right part of the screen- "Did you find something missing that should have improved your experience"

I really like this. I don't have any data that shows if it is the right approach but I like this for a couple of reasons.
1. Open discreetly on the bottom right part of the screen - I did not test on mobile
2. I really like the approach about asking what is missing. That is like asking someone to tell you what is wrong. And when you do that it opens people up, ESPECIALLY potential customers or users to tell you! This is exactly what you need to happen, because often people who have problems won't tell you. They will just leave and never come back.

It is not new to have these types of experiences on the page. What I think is really interesting is and a great idea by Chandra is to include this in the early stages of your product being developed, or you could leave this up and persist it more if you find that it is a great way for people to give feedback.

It all depends on what goals are you trying to accomplish?

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