I created this as a graduate student of Applied Behavior Analysis. I found myself searching through various sources to find the definitions and translations I needed.

The ABA e-Glossary

Portrait of the maker

Jared Gibb



I learned how to consume and display API (without auth) using bubble using conditional states to set the API search parameters based on toggle switches, check boxes, and input textboxes.


I learned how to use thunkable to automate the process of loading POSTing spreadsheet data onto via API into my mongoDB. This was way cheaper than using integromat or zapier. A real saver on my monthly integromet credits.

Expert level
hours to build

How to build a searchable list in Bubble without writing code

What is it:

"I created this as a graduate student of Applied Behavior Analysis. I found myself searching through various sources to find the definitions and translations I needed. So instead of making futures students do the same, I compiled the terms and made a site.

Future plans include adding a study section where logged in users can review flashcards, keep track of progress, create study sets etc. Like quizlet. But my plan is to allow for tracking of progress so a user can track how much better they are doing with a certain study set over time visually on a graph.

Maker Insight:

I learned how to consume and display API (without auth) using bubble using conditional states to set the API search parameters based on toggle switches, check boxes, and input textboxes.

I learned how to use thunkable to automate the process of loading POSTing spreadsheet data onto via API into my mongoDB. This was way cheaper than using integromat or zapier. A real saver on my monthly integromet credits."

What did I learn:

1. Creating a searchable list in with Bubble.

"In the bubble app, there are toggle switches to discriminate between a stricter search and a a “find anywhere in string” search

Then based on the text being typed into the input box, bubble makes an API called to the mongo DB which returns a Json object containing all of the related terms and definitions. Bubble then purses that data and displays it in a nice list."

While this isn't technically nocode, there is a way that you could create this same experience. Recently Bubble announced a new plug in connecting to Airtable that is available. I'd recommend checking out how this works together to see if you want to use Airtable as a backend. The reason why you might consider this is because Airtable is so flexible to get data into it. That instead of then trying to import it into Bubble, if you have a Bubble to Airtable integration it handles that step automatically.

Currently I have set up an integration like this with Bildr and Bubble. Bildr is in early beta, so the tool is not fully ready yet. Drew Thomas helped me install it, and based on the steps he took as well as the video instruction, it was simple to integrate. This is a tool that you want to keep your eye on when it becomes fully available because you will be able to make any web app.

2. What can #nocode be used for. Who stands to benefit from it the most? A behavioral analyst builds an eGlossary for helping others learn this craft. "I found myself searching through various sources to find the definitions and translations I needed. So instead of making futures students do the same, I compiled the terms and made a site."
But what's so different about this?
1. It's not a static list like on a static website builder
2. It has a search box that can be used to narrow down what you're looking for.
By definition this is a web app. And the fact that someone was able to make a web app to solve their problem with out coding is amazing.

3. Crisp Chat - Jared uses Crisp chat - their free plan works well and I would highly recommend this tool. You should explore Crisp Chat if you would like a near instant way to connect with users of your product while they are on the site.
I've used Crisp chat before with Side Project STack and other sites. Crisp chat has an app that you can download that notifies you when someone drops in on your site and asks a question through the Crisp Chat widget. I found it very reliable and free plan was a no brainer. You can accomplish everything you'd like to with the basic free plan.

There is a good amount of customization within the widget on the free plan to make it customizable and personable like include your photo or leave an away message.

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