Done with life measures your burnout out by taking a quick online quiz.

Done with Life

Portrait of the maker

Madison Taskett


Mid level
hours to build

3 things about building a quiz app with Coda

What did I learn:

1. Coda does not have a very good UI. What I like that Madison did was she used Carrd as a landing page. Why? Because this does two things. Building with Carrd is super simple and quick so it doesn't take additional time using it as opposed to creating a landing page in Coda. In fact it might take less time because Carrd is a tool equipped for landing pages, while Coda is not. Second is after your MVP stage, if you're doing a wider public launch you'll want to make the product more formal then use Carrd. Coda is perfect for MVP stage and testing. Spend time getting your app working.

2. A burnout quiz - this is a simple way to provide value to users by allowing them to submit information that helps them improve their lives. Creating these are a perfect way to test an idea and see if there is more value you can provide along what ever problem you are trying to solve or help with. Working with coda is not as complex as some of the other tools like Bubble. I'd recommend it as an lower learning curve to making an app with some business logic built in to provide a personalized output. Check this quiz out for a model if you have a service that you want to create.

3. Value creation vs value capture - I really love the way Madison provides up front value, gives you results and then explaining what you're results mean. Great way for the user to trust the information that you provide. As a Maker, this is so important. You products are an extension of your personal brand. And whatever you are trying to build to, getting trust matters. People are more likely to buy from people than brands. As a Maker leverage this. Users are more likely to develop an affinity for the things that you do and it will help you build an audience. Provide enough value, consistently and repeatedly and when you ask for value in return (value capture) they will be wiling to give back. Here we see demonstrated that Madison positions her value capture by asking if you'd like your results emailed to you. Growing an email list is essential to your Lean Side Project strategy.

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