A Place on the web to find reading list on any topic.


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Starter Stack
hours to build

How to build quickly and create a simple web app with Coda

What is it:

A Place on the web to find reading list on any topic.

What did I learn:

1. No-code tool feature: Coda - What advantage do you have using this stack? Made all in Coda. You can create a simple front end, and build business logic into the app to do functions that respond like a web app. Coda is not a very popular tool but it is an underrated tool. I wouldn't say it is the easiest learning curve. But it's not overly high either.

Code's main purpose is to build better workflows for internal tooling like businesses. However, it can be used to create a simple MVP to validate demand for an app.

I have had heard feedback from many Makers that Coda can be somewhat of a learning curve. I would not say its a small learning curve but definitely not on the high end either. I have used it and personally not my top app to use because the front end lacks in flexibility for a cleaner design, particularly when you compare it to what you can do with other apps.

Similar to Bubble, when Makers use either, you will generally see the entire front to back end parts of the stack all within the same tool. This helps with obvious things like less tools to learn to make your project but also ensures less risks and dependencies because everything is within one application.

2. No-code tool feature: Coda - What is hard to do, that Ankit, Abhay and Palak did well here was design a slick front end experience using Coda. It's minimal but for the most part it looks like a regular web app.

I've seen dozens of Coda projects, and can honestly say only two (this one included, the other done by Sally who created Food Still Good. that app is also in this database) create a smooth enough front end user experience that is not disruptive to the overall UX. That is not to say this isn't a very well done project. Coda has limitations. But its advantages here are to ship something quickly, get validation with an actual working application. This passes all the tests and highly recommend this stack if you'd like to focus on one tool to build in.

3. Product Strategy: Iterative launching and building in the open: This is a great example of building iteratively and in the open: https://twitter.com/ankitkr0/status/1256860523305537537?s=20

One of the best ways to build in the open is not to just show what you learn but engage and ask for input. People love to get input.

When you ask questions, it is a great way to engage people to get their input. And thus their investment into your success. Because anything that people give their time or money to they want to see it be successful.

What I liked about this is that Ankit the Maker shows his work and also asks what he should add to it. The app is not yet available so this does a great job at driving FOMO and desire for something that is not yet available. Pretty amazing to see over 300 likes for this single tweet.

The advantage for you as a Maker, is this is your marketing. Don't create content twice. Use the making of your product as content.

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