How to start and find ideas and use no-code
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Maker: Sharath Best Place to Find Him: Twitter Project stack for #RequestforProduct can be found here. Project link for #RequestforProduct.

The TL;DR – Sharath is a prolific no code Maker that has a plethora of experience making and shipping 7X to be more exact. He’s the perfect guy to ask about how to find an idea…

The TL;DR – Sharath is a prolific and gifted no code Maker that has a plethora of experience making and shipping 7X to be more exact. He has experience integrating many different no code tools. He shares this with you because like KP, he really cares deeply about this movement and what it means to empower people all over the world. Not even half a percent of the world knows how to code. He shares a belief that giving insights to help others is how its meant to be What you will get out of this are his notes on his tech stack, but what I found most interesting was the power of micro actions and 5 key lessons he has learned along the way.

** To get Sharath’s detailed analysis of all the different no code tool insights, visit or just hit the icon top left of this screen. Then select a wiki for a tool that you are interested in.
Truly this interview is so much more than I asked for. And I am very grateful for this to share with you. Thank you Sharath.

1. What did you make?

SK: Till now I have had the opportunity to work and ship 7 projects. You can check all of them here, but The Angel Philosopher is a particular one which I’m really proud of.
The Angel Philosopher is a platform where you can easily discover and engage with quite possibly the largest collection of original content created by or featuring Naval Ravikant.
Also recently I worked with James Beshara on two of his projects. I made landing pages for Below the Line (his podcast) and Beyond Coffee(his book launch). Those are the most recent ones which I enjoyed. 
PS: I’m working on a project that is about Carrd community. Also I’m shipping my own website soon. 

2. What is the most interesting no code stack that you made. 

SKTable2siteAirtable, Notion with Typeform

3. What is your most favorite thing that you made.

SK: I have enjoyed working on all of them. Each one has it’s own story and significance. If I have to pick one then I think Really Good Questions is my fav one. It’s well designed, well received by the community and I learned so much exploring the questions from twitter’s brightest minds. 

4. What problems were you trying to solve, your motivation, what is your why for this?

SK: Almost all of my projects are solutions to problems I had. There are two things that I keep in my mind while I make: 
1. I need to have utmost fun while making it 
2. I need to provide value to others who use it. 
These two are the primary reasons behind all of my projects. That is my WHY. 
Tools for Makers is a hand curated directory of tools for makers. The Angel Philosopher is for all Naval followers like me who finds his content all at one place. Request for Product is a crowdsourced directory of product ideas which will inspire people to build more. Really Good Questions is for curious people that showcases questions from twitter’s brightest minds. OneDial lets you store all of your remote conference bridge details at one place. I had so much joy making these projects while keeping the value part in my mind. There’s a kick and thrill when I get random DMs on twitter from someone who is getting impacted through one of my projects. That feeling is something else.

5. What different tools did you use? 

SK: Most of my projects were built using Table2siteAirtableTypeformCarrd, Notion and Mailchimp. OneDial is one of my projects which was completely built using Glide Apps and Google Sheets

6. Can you talk specifically about why you chose those tools? And how did you figure out to use those tools? Were there any others you considered or failed with at first?

SKTable2site really changed my view on no-code. It is the first tool I used which covers both backend and frontend pieces. Watching no-code products like Follow Friday on Product Hunt inspired me to come up with solutions for my ideas. And like they say, practice makes anyone perfect. Once I shipped a couple of projects I got real comfortable with AirtableTable2site, Notion and Typeform

After shipping few more projects I felt I can explore more tools. That’s when I came across Carrd. It is one of the most fluid and intuitive platforms I ever worked on. Being a designer myself Carrd satisfied my creative needs. With elegant illustrations and bold/bright colors I shipped some more projects. I love Carrd so much I recommend to almost everyone who is looking for an elegant landing page builder. Also Glide is a game changer too. Building an app entirely without writing a single line of code really inspired me to come up with an idea. That’s where OneDial was born. 

There are so many tools like WebflowBubbleIntegromatAdalo etc which I still want to experiment with. Hopefully I will use them next year in one of my upcoming projects.

7. Can you give a few insights of each layer of your tech stack? 

**Visit then click a no code tools wiki to see his insights.**

8. What would you do differently building it or something valuable you learned you’d like to share with other makers? 

SK: Before a year ago nobody knew me as a maker. With micro actions I started this incredible journey and here I’m proudly talking about my work. I always believe work speaks. There are countless lessons I learned along the way and there will be many in future but here are some of them I think it might help fellow makers:
1. Change your identity and lead that belief with action by putting into work.
2. Do micro/non-judgmental actions: Spend as little time as on thinking and more time on doing. Ship products without judgement. 
3. Always give, give, give: Create content that brings value to others. Quality content with consistency always wins.
4. Be authentic: People will accept you as long as you are authentic. Your job is to present yourself out there.
5. Be engaging and engaged: Engagement is key in community success. Interact and engage with polls and meaningful questions that bring people together to share their opinions.
It’s been a phenomenal journey so far being a maker not because I shipped 7 projects but got the opportunity to be part of an amazing movement. Just wanted to say thanks to many folks who showed me love and support.
I would like to take this moment to appreciate Michael for inviting me onto this platform. He is making all other maker’s life easy through Side Project Stack. He is one passionate fellow maker I’m proud of. I wish him nothing but the best, and wanted to see grow this platform.

9. Please provide what links to your project website, your twitter, where can people return the love?

SK: You can follow me here on twitter.
All my projects are here.

10. Is there anything else you would like to share or some feedback/request/action that you’d like to ask the Side Project Stack Audience to do for you?

SK: I sincerely encourage all of the readers to DO more and ship their ideas frequently. If I can do it anybody can do it. The key is to take baby steps be it asking, tweeting, interacting with community or starting a landing page. Micro actions gives that extra boost and confidence enough to ship the whole thing. I wish everyone to be more curious to learn and pass along the baton to others. We need to help each other as a community. Here I’m doing my part. You can always reach out to me via my twitter. I’m always happy to help and guide. Happy making and shipping. Cheers!!
What are other ways that you can get ideas on how to start with no-code?
Here is a list of Makers using no-code write newsletters in the space. I am subscribed too all of these and you should to.
Check it out here.
And you can check out this process by Kavir Kaycee who has great design experience and outlines how he took a design approach to help make a no-code app. Which I recommend because it can help you take an idea and get going quickly.

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Hi, i'm michael

I started Side Project Stack to help Makers reduce the time and effort to make stuff with no-code.I launched Get Stackd. A former #1 Product of the Day on Product Hunt. It helps Makers find the best no-code tools to use to make something. It's a 100% automated web app built with no-code.

What's interesting about it? Get Stackd take's the data from over dozens and dozens successfully made no-code projects to recommend the best starting point of tools to use to make your idea. I hope that you try it out. It's perfect for just starting out.Ill be adding more to the no-code space.

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