Automation software connecting APIs and apps without writing code.
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Last updated on:
October 14, 2022

Zapier is a gamechanger for no-code Makers. It is the glue to connect between all the different disparate apps a simple no-code app may use. It’s also referred to as the plumbing to an app or workflow. In this guide it is referred to as a “back end” tool because its often logic and transferring of data that is invisible to the user like an API works for a standard application.

It is an essential tool that has a very low on boarding ramp to learn.

Although expensive it gives Makers the ability to create in an efficient way that would not be possible.

If you’re just starting out there is no better tool than Zapier. Why? IMO Zapier sets the bar for ease of use. There is no documentation needed for your basic workflows, even something complex like this integration with Twilio was an absolute breeze (I don’t say this lightly. In fact Zapier gets my highest grade for ease of use). 

You’re not going to believe this but using Zapier allowed me to send text messages with zero code required. And I did it all with Zapier plumbing with Twilio. I launched a beta version of Save for Dream Vacay using Zapier as my plumbing and logic for handling different responses by users. It’s a perfect tool to start with. 
I will vouch for it because I’ve used it as part of my back end fueling a product that was a #1 on Product Hunt. The Get Stackd Tool. Check out below my key pros and cons as well as insight as to how I used Zapier to power an actual no code web application.

Below are some of the best no code actual applications created by some insanely talented Makers who launched using Zapier as part of the side project stack.

How might this tool be a fit for you:

  • Rates 10/10 for ease of use and adoptability
  • Very good documentation and work instructions with how to’s
  • Tons of example workflows or automations available to use for yourself or get inspired.
  • Zapier is the standard for no-code usability and friendliness to learn and use. Masterful at empowering Makers to do high powered technical things with no need for technical know-how.

How might this tool not be a fit for you:

Cost - in order to really achieve some key workflows you will may dip into the $65 per month category. Zapier did make some really key changes to increasing their pull times this is a key feature.

Zapier is still the #1 no-code builder in terms of ease of use and ability. It's my number one recommended no-code tool starting point to learn how to start taking advantage of the no-code movement.

Notes from the Makers:

1. Zapier was my automation hack. When people signed up on Gumroad a “Zap�? occurred that would send an introductory email saying them and linking them to the final step, set your preferences. //Whit used a link to a Typeform form to set the user preferences.
2. It is dead simple to use. I am still on the free version but it gets pricey. Not a power user but made everything pretty automated.


  1. The easiest Workflow builder I have come across. Their new “Actions by Zapier�? are a gem to execute custom codes or make API calls.
  2. I wish they decreased the polling time on the free plan from 15 minutes to at least 5 minutes. (Check out at the bottom of update #1 in this update to see what positive changes Zapier made to their polling times.)
  3. Zapier Email: Deliverability is an issue as with all Email clients. Maybe Zapier should do a spam testing check for any “Email by Zapier�? action’s content to warn users if they are sending something that might get marked as spam.

Corey Haines:
Read Corey’s Full Interview
1. Corey used Zapier to power a key connection to enable a fully automated application. Corey has Typeform send to Google Sheets (Typeform does have some API integrations like this) and then using Zapier to send from Google Sheets to Webflow CMS which acts as a backend database. (Notes are translated from interview.)
2. Zapier is the glue on the back end that ties this all together to make a fully functioning no-code application. (Notes are translated from interview.)

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