Static websites
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Last updated on:
April 13, 2022

WordPress is the largest website builder in the world holding atleast one out of every three websites built are with WordPress. 

How might this tool be a fit for you:

  • Good for beginners if you need a static site and need a lower learning curve for visual development by using a tool like Elementor to put together your site.

How might this tool not be a fit for you:

  • Figuring out SEO, site speed and getting your website performant is a nightmare.

Notes from the Makers:

Michael Novotny:
+ WordPress delivered on my need for creating subfolder directories. which in laymen’s terms just means able to add multiple web addresses within the url. example:
+ WordPress was easier to use once I got set up. I am using Elementor as my actual website builder to stitch together all the visual website design of each page. Which also is very easy to use. Much easier to use and more responsive than Squarespace

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