Form builder.
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Last updated on:
April 13, 2022

Typeform has radically made it easier to empower Makers to create dynamic forms without code. Despite its price, its worth it. It is my go to for any no-code project.

As a Maker you must figure out if you need a complex form or a simple one. Because Google forms is free and integrates well with google and other products, if you just need a simple way to gather a user’s information use that. However, if you are trying to add any complexity like formulas, or calculations, Typeform can do wonders.

You may be asking why would I need all that complexity? I’ve built two products that rely heavily on Typeform to assign values to answers. I could then send those values by Zapier to Airtable or Google Sheets. Once they are sent there I can “program” my “database” (Airtable or Google Sheets) to calculate a response that is customized. Much like an actual application.

Typeform is powerful. And I am excited to show some tutorials about the power of Typeform (coming soon). For now check out the pros and cons as well as what actual Maker’s had to say.
Below are some of the best no code actual applications created by some insanely talented Makers who launched using Typeform as part of the side project stack.

How might this tool be a fit for you:

  • The best form to use when creating a side project
  • Has a basic freemium package to experiment with
  • Allows the more complex type of calculations that empowers building a no-code app
  • Easy to use very low learning curve to pick up and understand
  • Easy to plug into Zapier and other applications
  • Has a lot of applications that they are connected to so that you may not have to use Zapier and incur extra costs
  • Fantastic document and how to section that I have used extensively to help create things beyond my ability
  • Insanely easy integration point with Stripe to accept payments

How might this tool not be a fit for you:

  • Cost! to take advantage of the great features is $50 per month (on monthly plan)
  • Has some basic features that should be in the lower price point but aren’t
  • I really feel that Typeform should have more functionality for lower price points - example is if a user completes a form and you would like to redirect them - the price point to have that functionality would be $50 per month - THIS is crazy.

Notes from the Makers

+ Typeform is life saver when it comes to user interaction. It helped me to gather what users want with a simple surveys. I particularly love their templates. It’s so intuitive and easy to use. Gives a lot creative liberty to play with the questions. when I’m working on Glide. I used it for macro formula while building OneDial. (Advice) Learn a lot of shortcuts that boosts your productivity. 
 It’s slightly expensive other than that it’s perfect for forms and surveys. 

+ Great UX, a nice variety of external integrations and an easy to implement API.
– Answers need to have an ID. Right now, you have to type the exact answer text to retrieve it from the API. Even if there is an extra space, your implementation gets screwed up.
-The Typeform WordPress plugin supports shortcode. However, you cannot find the shortcode documentation anywhere.

+ Typeform is what I typically use for submission. I was hoping it would also act as my subscription payment tool but sadly they only do one-time payments. I ended up using them for “Sending a friend a One-off Pizza”
+Simple to use. Their logic jumping questions is awesome
-Recurring payments feature

Corey Haines
Job Board – Read Corey’s Full Interview
Corey’s project is an online job board for marketers. 
+ Corey used Typeform on the front end as a form to accept job posts onto his website. What’s really well done with this is its 100% automated. Corey has Typeform send to Google Sheets (Typeform does have some API integrations like this) and then using Zapier to send to Webflow CMS which acts as a backend database. (Notes are translated from interview.)
+ The best part of all this is that Corey uses Stripe integration on the last question of the Typeform and set’s it as a mandatory field. So that in order to submit the job post, payment must be met. (Notes are translated from interview.)

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