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Last updated on:
April 13, 2022

Twitter. Normally used for user acquisition or audience building, among other things…but it can be used as a part of your product. Twitter is not a #nocode tool in the traditional sense, but is such an important part of any Maker’s side project stack that it is essential to understand and see how other Makers are using it. 

There is a debate in the no-code world of whether to build an audience first or to build product first when making. Truth is there is no right or wrong answer but there is a “best” or “recommended” approach depending on where you are at today. Are you just starting out on Twitter? Do you have a following? Even if you do have a following, the niche market you’re addressing may not match your existing follower base. There are different proven ways to address this so that you can accomplish your goals as a Maker without totally sacrificing your existing community. 

I’ll be writing about how Makers are effectively doing this today and give you some options in an upcoming book and app that I’m currently writing about today. One big problem is how can you as a Maker build a project and grow an audience at the same time? I’ll show you how by highlighting Makers who are doing it. 

I would advise to follow these Makers below and watch how they use Twitter to engage with their audience, and how I believe it is the most effective tool we have today, the fastest way to discover market opportunities and start your journey towards creating a solution that solves a problem for your audience. 

Additionally on this page we highlight, Maker’s like Naz, listed below details a product that he has connected without code to use Twitter as part of his product. 

Below are some of the best no code actual applications created by some insanely talented Makers who launched using Twitter as part of the side project stack.

How might this tool be a fit for you:

  • One of the best ways to get free traffic to that thing you are building.
  • Quickly find passionate people about the niche you are addressing or interested in
  • Last free frontier - best way to engage directly with potential users and connect with anyone in the world through directly engaging with them.

How might this tool not be a fit for you:

  • Increasingly noisy
  • Takes time to build a following
  • Extremely short shelf life for content. Estimated each tweet half life is the first 20 minutes of the tweet's publishing
  • Creating content takes time - how can you make and grow an audience at the same time?

Notes from Makers

+ For Twitter to work, you need to build a relevant follower list and establish your expertise in a particular domain. For example, no-coders know that they can expect a no-code tweet or product on my timeline. Also, tag the most relevant influencers and appropriate hashtags. Don’t give the link to the product but to your Product Hunt post so that if someone influential retweets you, all that traffic can convert to a few upvotes.
-Would love for Twitter to expand its topic-based tweet curation, Twitter Moments, to create similar curated timelines using AI for topics you are interested in. For example, if they could show you all great no-code tweets or featured tweets about the No-code conference without the need to use the “right hashtags�?.
Twitter Bot

+As an attempt for a viral growth experiment, I set up an acquisition loop using Zapier and the same Google sheet where Parabola posts the Twitter user information for Glide to consume. Every time a user checks a Twitter user’s ArguMeter profile, a Twitter bot tags that user and tells them that someone just checked how much they like to argue on the Argumeter app with a link to their worst tweet generated by the app and then asking them to go to the app link to see what else has this person found out about them. Twitter hates bots and this account might be killed soon by Twitter. 

-It would have been much better to send a link to the user’s personal Argumeter profile page in the tweet but unlike Bubble, Glide doesn’t do slugs or URL parameters to enable the creation of personalized pages based on the current page data.

Web App Read Sharath’s Full Interview
+Twitter is why I’m here giving this interview. I tweeted over and over again about twitter’s significance. In short these are some takeaway points:
1. Create a lot of good content
2. Be authentic
3. Be engaging and engaged
4. Show unconditional love towards community
5. Be part of the culture
+This is one of my threads that talks about twitter significance.
-Nothing coming to my mind right now. Jack and team are relentlessly working on making the platform better. Thanks to them we all are connected.

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