Accept payments.
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Last updated on:
April 13, 2022

Stripe and Gumroad are the most used payment tools for Makers today. If you are selling a digital information product, Gumroad is an easier implementation. However, if you are needing the ability to charge for access to a membership site, 3-way transaction or through a form Typeform or Landbot, then this will be the tool you’ll need to check out.

Below I detail my experience implementing with Stripe. Hopefully, it can help save you time and effort when using Stripe.

Below are some of the best no-code actual applications created by some insanely talented Makers who launched using Airtable as part of the side project stack.
Further, I detail out my experience with different plugins for good no-code solutions depending on your use case. I detail this out in the “in their words” section.

How might this tool be a fit for you:

  • Good documentation
  • Plug-ins enable this to use easily with WordPress and Bubble. Additionally this tool is extremely easy to use wtih Typeform or Landbot.
  • Good plugins for Bubble including one of the only 3 way transaction Stripe plugins available

How might this tool not be a fit for you:

  • Still not easy to configure and use Stripe's dashboard. Also not easy to configure on its own for no-code. You must have a good Plug in or tool like Typeform that is already synced seamlessly.
  • If you can I recommend Gumroad as a payment feature. Much more user friendly. However, often times Stripe is the better option to have a seamless user purchase flow.

Notes from the Makers:

*Michael Novotny: *
My starting point was using WordPress for a feature on this site called “Book a call” with an expert. My issue was that Stripe is not entirely no-code friendly. If you are already using Typeform, Landbot form or something like that then, yes the integration is click of a button. 

But what happens when you want to create something with WordPress or Webflow or Bubble?

Turns out Bubble has a really highly easy to use no-code Stripe plug-in. I do not know about Webflow, although I do know Ben Tossell uses it for Makerpad. 

I do have significant experience, much more than I would like integrating Stripe with Word Press. I used two plugins. “WP Simple Pay” is what I currently use and recommend. It proved to be more reliable than “WP Full Stripe”. I found this out the hard way. While trying to integrate Stripe with Zapier to create my custom user flow, I needed the attribute for the transaction_description to pass from the plug in to Stripe. The problem after 3+ hours of testing was that it would only send the first time I set up the integration then failed every time after that. There was no other attribute I could use, so I tried WP Simple pay and it worked! So I recommend if you are using WordPress to use the WP Simple Pay plug in.
What’s the best Stripe plugin? When doing research with the Stripe API and talking to many other Makers, Bubble has a really good Stripe plug in that comes highly recommended. Especially if you are thinking about doing a three way transaction.

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