How Joel quit his job to start his own digital SaaS without writing code
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Joel Rosen
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Founder: Joel Rosen Best Place to Find Him: Twitter . Joel quit is job and bootstrapped his way to profitability building a no-code SaaS with Bubble

Here is our chat. Also, outline below the video to find exactly what you'd like to learn about him building

Intro - Joel Rosen

01: Joel Rosen story about starting building with no-code and quitting the day job
02: What did Joel have that gave him the confidence to make the jump to pursue full time? 
03: How to build up an audience and distribution with a side project
04: Monetizing a side project  
06: What inspired him to move from a course product to a SaaS with Paytable
07: What is this SaaS idea generation and how Joel did it with Paytable
12: Where do you decide to start for your digital business?
15: Where is your unfair advantage: Identify like how Joel leverages his strengths to create his products and being aware of that helps you give more when creating a product and gives you an unfair advantage
18: Tech stack and building Paytable
19: How to leverage no-code to validate  
21: Joel can iterate and change his product in a day because of no-code
23: No-code allows you to get a faster feedback loop and create something faster
25: Solo founder: how he builds and marketing at the same time
27: How he went from 0 to 50 MRR customers in 2 days when launching embed Notion 
30: His approach for finding a micro SaaS idea by noticing behaviors of people through Twitter
31: Product Explorer trends of 10,000 trends and product ideas
32: His thought process of making the jump from corporate job to create his own products and services
34: How he structures his day
36: Single most important thing Joel would have told himself before he quit
40: Where you can find Joel on twitter: @j__rosen

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Hi, i'm michael

I started Side Project Stack to help Makers reduce the time and effort to make stuff with no-code.I launched Get Stackd. A former #1 Product of the Day on Product Hunt. It helps Makers find the best no-code tools to use to make something. It's a 100% automated web app built with no-code.

What's interesting about it? Get Stackd take's the data from over dozens and dozens successfully made no-code projects to recommend the best starting point of tools to use to make your idea. I hope that you try it out. It's perfect for just starting out.Ill be adding more to the no-code space.

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